THE GOSPEL IS At the very centre of what we believe.
THE GOSPEL is truly life-changing, so we pray that you will take the time to digest it’s truth and meaning for your life.
what is the gospel?
The Gospel is: God’s GOOD NEWS to us about His Son
God existed before anything or anyone was created. God exists in the presence of three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All of whom are fully God. The Bible (God’s word) tells us that God is holy, good and set apart from all things bad. God spoke everything into being and has authority over all His creation.
We are all created in the image of God and as such are valued and loved. However, since we first walked the earth, we have sinned. As much as we try to be good, sin is in our nature and we continue to cause pain to ourselves, to others and to God. As a result, we have a broken relationship with God that we cannot fix.
God’s Son is Jesus Christ. Around 2000 years ago, Jesus came to earth to live among us. He lived a perfectly sinless human life but ended up being convicted as a criminal and executed on a wooden cross. Jesus was buried in a grave and three days later, rose to life! Jesus ascended to heaven and now sits at the right hand of Father God.
The reason Jesus was killed was not because the people didn’t like him, it is because God needed someone to take the punishment for our sin. God put Jesus on the cross and placed our sins on Him in order to pay the penalty of death for us. Through Jesus, God can forgive us, set us free from sin and restore our relationship with Him.
The first words of John the Baptist as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew are; "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." Shortly after, these same words are repeated by Jesus Himself.
To receive God’s forgiveness and restore our relationship with Him, we need to respond by turning away from our sins and turning toward God. This is an act of faith and a free gift from God. If God has revealed your need for forgiveness through the work of Jesus, then He urges you to "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near."
To help you to serve and love God He will give you:
A NEW SPIRIT: God will come to live within you! He will help you by giving you His Holy Spirit.
A NEW FAMILY: God will give you His Church as your family. A place where you can love and be loved.
A NEW IDENTITY: God will clothe you with His righteousness, His glory and He will call you His child.
“to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”
JOHN 1:12