Monday Fellowship

Monday Fellowship meets on Monday afternoons at 2.30pm at Blandford Evangelical Church. We extend a warm welcome to everyone of any age to come and join us. If you are unable to attend church on Sundays then our meetings provide the opportunity to enjoy fellowship in God’s house in the week.

We enjoy a varied programme with speaker meetings consisting of songs, prayer, bible readings and an inspiring message. There are also times where we learn more about each other by sharing testimonies and stories. We enjoy singing and finding out more about our favourite hymns and songs.  The meetings always finish with a cup of tea and a time to chat and enjoy each other’s company. Then there are our social, informal times with quizzes and enjoyable meals.

We do not meet during the Easter, Summer and Christmas school holidays.

You do not have to be a regular member of any church to come along. We aim to provide a loving fellowship for everyone where they can feel valued and supported.

 If you would like more information, please contact the church office.

Tel: 01258 450689   or Email: